“Take Me for Me”
Take me for me
I’m not just a tree
Though I stand still
I have roots and a soul— Which
is warm
Then is cold
See who I am
Look hard and you can
See one who wants
More than surface
Which last but a moment
And in a rut is caught
Can a road be built of concrete and
Of weaving well sown?...
To last and last
When trod on or worn
Through sun or a storm
Till death by you born?
Few can create
The right kind of mate
But find one true
To discover past them
A person to whom
Is more than a friend
A partner-a friend
To know not pretend
But also to see
From their face to their heart—
An understanding held
You’ll never part
Someday I might discover
A lover...not a lover
Who wants me as I am—
Whether tallest or small
Good or bad
But all in all
by Daniel Catherine
Park, Hollywood, CA